Spring (Autumn in Aust.) Anime Charts
The charts have been released and a much clearer version of the chart can be viewed here.
Credits go to the maker of the chart.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merii Kurisumasu~!

AUA wishes all our views a very merry, happy, joyous, safe and enjoyable Christmas!
We thank you form all the past years of support and your continuing support that you  give to us~

We hope at AUA we can continue to bring you fresh and hot news from the world of Anime, Games, Manga and interesting things in Japan in the future, and continuing updating and improving our methods~ If you have any other suggestions that you would like us to improve on or add to this blog, please don't hesitate to ask~ AUA would love to hear and do our best to do what you guys want~

We hope we can continue to hear your feedback and see your support, it means a lot to us all here at AUA~ 
Have a very Merry Otaku Kurisumasu~!! -> u <-

Merrry Xmas!

AUA wishes you all to have a lovely Christmas and relaxing holiday. May we achieve even higher next year with more interesting and exciting Anime news to all you readers out there. To be Honest, I love all of you who have supported this mini website and helped it grow strong to a small community now. Thank you to those especially who is dedicated to visit AUA all of the time and take part in the polls and Chatbox. I'm not being too picky but I must say, I don't understand quite a bit of the users comments. Deep apologies if I'm referring to you. However, you are all very welcome to continue to post your comments because I love to see more comments in the chatbox.

We have developed quite a lot and went through many issues; good and bad. It is you guys who have kept us writers continuing to bring you news. The ratings and comments believe it or not, I read every one of them  because I'd love to see your thoughts on the posts. I really wouldn't have reach this high if it wasn't you guys. So once again, thank you for support Anime Update Australia. I wish you all to have exciting Christmas and remember to watch animes!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Phoenix Wright movie trailer

The first trailer for the live-action adaptation of Gyakuten Saiban (a.k.a. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) certainly got me pumped, but something was missing that every Japanese trailer must have: an official theme song by whatever band put out a single that week! This latest trailer features Porno Graffiti's latest song "2012 Spark." 
The new trailer features many of the same shots from the first trailer, but fans of the game will notice several new scenes, including one of a giant, inflatable Steel Samurai. Of course, there is plenty of finger-pointing and shouting too, but that's expected.
Gyakuten Saiban releases in Japanese theaters on February 11, 2012, but will be premiering at the International Film Festival Rotterdam first, where it will likely air to an audience that has no idea why everyone is dressed so strangely when they're trying to be serious.


Rurouni Kenshin Live action film trailer released

Finally!! A trailer has been released!! I want to cry and sob with so much joy that is escaping my body~*~*~*~*~ ;;//////////;;  Rurouni Kenshin was one of my first anime that I watched when I was a kid, and I have loved and supported this amazing series ever since~!! And not to mention, Himura Kenshin was my first crush~*~*~*~*~ >////////////> So when I heard in 2010  that there would be a live action adaption, I was so happy!! ...I think I did cry~ :'D

Premiere date confirmed! - August 25, 2012 
Himura Kenshin - TAKERU SATOU [insert jizz face here]

Kamiya Kaoru - TAKEI EMI

Sagara Sanosuke - AOKI MUNETAKA

Myoujin Yahiko -TANAKA TAKETO  (debut role) [ohemgee why sou kyoote!! >//////<]

Takani Megumi - AOI YUU


Takeda Kanryou - KAGAWA TERUYUKI


Kenshin's Sakaba-sword and Sanosuke's Zanba-sword.

Friday, December 16, 2011


A game will be released from the new series Guilty Crown in 2012 for PC. It will be based around the "Lost Christmas" incident. It will sell for 4,800 yen. ($48)
Nothing much has been said about this game, just that the official website has posted up basic details for the game. I am guessing in the new year, more details will be released. 

Source: Guilty Crown official website
I am so excited!! >///u////< I can't wait to get it!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

AKB48's Yuko Oshima Appears in "FFXIII-2" Costume

AKB48 Team K member Yuko Oshima appeared at the Final Fantasy XIII-2 launch event this morning in Tokyo. She designed two costumes, which fans narrowed down to one DLC item by voting, and wore the winning design to hand the game to the first person in line at Bic Camera in Yurakucho.

"When I was designing this, I had no idea I would be doing an event at this time of year. I wish I had made the sleeves a little longer..." she said.

Mai Fukui was also on hand to sing the Japanese PS3 version's them song. That was followed by appearances from Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada, Bic Camera CEO Hiroyuki Miyajima, FFXIII-2 director Motomu Toriyama, producer Yoshinori Kitase, and voice actor Daisuke Kishio.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 hits North America January 31st.

Source: Crunchyroll

Third season of Bakuman announced!

Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's manga about aspiring manga artists, Bakuman, will have a third season next fall. 

The second season is currently airing. The first season ran 25 episodes from October 2010 to April of this year. Meanwhile the original manga has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2008. 
Next fall is a bit of a wait, but hopefully it will be worth it!

Source: Crunchyroll

Otaku America Searches for Cosplayers for New Documentary

Heads up for any cosplayers and convention goers that have a desire to share your love of costuming with the public. Otaku America is looking for participants who want a chance to shine and strut their stuff in a feature length film all about anime, science fiction, gaming, costuming, and conventions titled Glomp Me!:The Cosplay Documentary Project.

To make this documentary the best it can be the production team is looking for cosplayers and anime fans from around the United States. They would like to hear from people of different backgrounds and find out what makes people from so many different ethnicities, economic backgrounds, and belief systems come together at all sorts of conventions and fandom events.If you would like to be a part of the documentary please email cosplaydocproject@photographer.net or like Glomp Me! on Facebook to see what conventions they're filiming at next.
In the last few decades the "nerd subculture" has been slowly becoming part of the mainstream. Unlike twenty years ago you can now ask a random person on the street if they'd heard of anime orcosplay and a majority of them will say yes. However there are still tons of misconceptions about science fiction, anime, and fantasy fans in general(how many geeks have heard the old "you still live in your mom's basement" joke?). That's where this documentary comes in. It's Otaku America's goal to have this movie reach not only anime, gaming, and sci-fi fans, but to make sure it's accessible to everyone, even if they think Star Wars is what college kids go through when studying for an Astronomy exam.
The film is set to premiere July 2012. It will be avaliable on DVD and download through Otaku America in Fall of 2012.
About Otaku America: As a website by nerds, for nerds Otaku America is a social network formatted for geeks of every type. On the website you can create a profile, talk on the forums, make a personal member blog, and create info pages in the Wiki section all for free (www.otakuamerica.spruz.com). They have also funded/sponsored the upcoming convention Otaku GloboCon along with Glomp Me!:The Documentary.
Sadly, this is for Americans only.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DMC HD Collection for 360 & PS3

Devil May Cry HD CollectionIf you are still not convinced on the new upcoming installment of the DMC series, don't worry! Capcom have a back up! 
Capcom has announced that they will be releasing the original DMC games now in HD and for 360 and PS3. The original 3 games were made in 2001, 2003 and 2005-6 and made for the platform of PS2 and PC.

The official DMC Capcom Japanese website says:
The stylish, popular action game "Devil May Cry," "Devil May Cry 2," "Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition" will be released in HD High Definition graphics and work better than the original games. Developed  for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be released in 2012. 
The website then explains the story line of the hit game:
A legendary "Devil Hunter" draws blood from his legendary sword. His name is Dante!
The son of a legendary demon Sparta, who was sealed away two thousand years ago, and who has a human mother, exterminates demons as a living, this is not only a sense of natural justice  but searches for the demon who killed his mother.Despite his serious background, his personality is very bright, possess the fearless self-assured and a mighty confrontation when up against his enemies. His favorite weapon is the sword of his Father the "Rebellion"sword and his two pistols "Ebony and Ivory."
The website then gives a small summary of the 3 remastered games and information about release and platform.

I am so excited!!! I hear a rumor that it will be released 7th of February 2012 so go to your local game store and pre-order now! >///u/////< 
What is your favorite game of the DMC series, 1,2,3 or 4? And do you think DmC Reboot can live up to the originals?

Monday, December 12, 2011

DmC Reboot Analyses

As a huge DMC fan, I was very excited when hearing that there would be a 5th game at E3 2010, to the series. Not much has been shared with the public about this new installment  of the series in one hit, but little by little has been reviled by Ninja Theory and Capcom. However, despite this, and many fans knowing this, fans from the previous classic games have shown signs of lack of enthusiasm and speculation towards the game due to the different setting, style, voice actors and Dante's new character.

My personally opinion is that this could be a good thing that there is change, keeping to one story can get overwhelming and dull very quickly. Games such as Kingdom Hearts may have a good story, but can get a little repetitive. Final Fantasy has a good story and gameplay, and continue to changes with each game, making it new, fresh and exciting; and I think that this new DMC title will do the same. That said, we can see that there is much change in Dante's appearance to what we all are familiar with, but what about personality? From what we can see from trailers and gameplay snippets, his mysterious, cool and independent attitude personality still stands.
This is what Capcom and Ninja Theory had to say about it:
Reception to the new design of Dante and direction of the series was largely negative. In an interview, Capcom revealed that they knew Dante's new look would be met with negative backlash and that they pressed forward with this in mind. In August 2011, new screenshots revealed that the design for Dante had undergone changes.
Along with the many changes to the game, is the voices. Of course there would be change!! It is a younger Dante and younger and newer characters. Need I remind, that the first games was voiced by 3 different actors in DMC 1,2 and 3? Why would people be shocked and annoyed with this? But what most fans do not know about the new game is that, this Dante is from an alternative universe and has nothing to do from the original games.
On the official DmC Capcom webiste of Japan it specifically says "DmC Rebirth of Devil May Cry" that immanently tells us that it is new and not related to the original series, hence the title of the game "DmC reboot." 
The website also states that "Dante is a half angel half demon" not specifying that he is the son of Sparta like Dante from the original series. 
At the start of the E3 2010 trailer of the game, it has two quotes  saying "heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad...  but the greatest part of mankind float beaten the void" We can also see that this new Dante is under going psychoanalysis, which suggests the mental illness or that the people of Limbo think he is mental from seeing what really isn't there. 
What does stay the same are Dante's weapons throughout the series  his two pistols, Ebony & Ivory and the Rebellion sword, we can also see in gameplay trailers that Dante can gain more items, just like in previous DMC titles. Capcom also states that this new Dante is a rebirth and has a "hard boiled" aura. 

Dante is also given more abilities than from the original Dante, he is given "Angel Power" for speed which chops up enemies with a fast scythe sharp blade, "Demon Power" which crushes the enemy attack with a weapon such as a heavy axe, which does more damage than a normal hit and the "Devil Trigger." Those of you who have played previous title may have remember  the "Devil Trigger" that gives Dante a limited amount of devil power which is a boost or power up from his normal strength and can do many more attacks and damage to enemies. In the rebooted game, the same aerial combat is used in the previous gameplay, as such, Dante soars into the air and pierce enemies with his sword. 
In additionwhen activating this trigger, Dante transforms into the original Dante's traditional appearance, crimson coat and silver white hair. 

Apart from this rebooted Dante, the design of the characters are very different from the previous games. The characters take on a more of an American style, rather than a Japanese game style from the previous games. Ninja Theory and Capcom both wanted a fresh and new look to fit the setting and the new Dante, giving the game a more realistic and fresh feel for the audience.

The setting of this new world, Limbo, has a very American style to it which has many neo-Gothic and modern architecture. Limbo is also described as two worlds in one, a reality and a hell or spirit world which can drag Dante out of reality and into the demon world. 
Limbo has many demons in it and most likely have come from this "hell world" and have made their way into reality. This is shown in the 2011 E3 trailer of the game, when Dante is walking through Limbo with red phrases on the wall saying "Their truth is a lie," "their city is an illusion" and "Do not accept the world as it is" defiantly, and clearly states that this world has too sides to it, and not everything in this world is as it seems. Such as the theory of two mirror worlds. The trailer than shows us the "normal" city of Limbo, changing to a different and "demonic" place, filled with demons, monsters and an abstract and dangerous environment. To enforce this new setting, the website clearly states "Limbo is a dangerous place once it transforms and tries to kill Half Angels and Half Demons, such as Dante" The reasons to this is unclear.

Besides the fact that the new Dante has both demon and angle powers, keeping it in a different "universe" gives Capcom more options for the future. If the game is a massive success, the developers can continue to create games in this new DMC series without worrying about stepping on the toes of the original classics. If it's an absolute failure Capcom can just pretend it never happened, closing the alternate dimension as quickly as they opened it.

To view all the new trailers just click here to watch the 2011 E3 trailer, TGS trailer and the special trailer.

What do you think of the new DMC game? Do you think it will be successful, or do you think it will be a disappointment? 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Top 10 Coolest Anime Heroes

1. Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)
2. Lelouch (Code Geass)
3. Kazuma (Scryed)
4. Accelerator (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
5. Okazaki Tomoya (Clannad)
6. Kaburagi T. Kotetsu (Tiger & Bunny)
7. Nura Rikuo (Nurarihyon no Mago)
8. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
9. Hei (Darker Than Black)
10. Rintaro Okabe (Steins;Gate)
Source: Sankaku Complex

We all know that our coolest hero will be always a Troll. Trolls are beyond cool, they are the evolution of human beings. Well done Gintoki! :3