The poll ends in 16 minutes, we haven't posted in 3 days, and I've got nothing to write about. So here's the results and a few notes about speaking Japanese.
Do you speak Japanese?
yes :D 20%
pfft no 0%
only what I learn from anime 50%
no but I want to 30%
So 50% of the people who voted know phrases and such from anime, am I right?
Well, myself and Jayce have been studying Japanese language for roughly 4 years now (actually in the same class) and here's some pointers!
If you go to Japan, and you use the phrases you learn from anime, it is often very impolite, as in anime they speak in plain form, which is the way you speak to close friends. In Japan, if you are not speaking to close friends (of the same age) you use polite form, and so on.
Some examples you may have heard:
matte! (wait)
machimasu (wait)
matte is the polite form (and you've probably heard this in anime) and machimasu is the polite form.
The ever popular -desu is also polite. -masu (mas) is also polite. In plain form, they often leave out these 'words' which indicate the end of a sentence.
second, pronunciation. so easy, seriously, easiest language pronunciation ever.
last, if you want to study it.
It can be done on your own, it's quite easy compared to other languages. The three alphabets are hard and easy. Hiragana is easy because each of the symbols have a story to help you remember what they look like and what they say. Katakana is much the same. Kanji is hard to remember. leave it at that. :D
grammar and sentence structure is a lot to remember as well.
Good luck trying it out!~
a helpful link to start learning!
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