The book behind the current boom in manga sex guides is to be adapted to a TV anime, much to the delight of lonely virgins everywhere.
The book in question is the now notorious 30歳の保健体育 / 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku (“Physical Health for 30-Year-Olds”) – a novice level sex guide explicitly illustrated in manga style. There are now three volumes and countless edifying spin-offs.
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The anime was announced recently but it has only just been clarified that it will be a “TV” anime – naturally many are wondering just what this implies for the content, particularly considering how useless a sex guide for lonely virgins is when all the instructive parts are covered up by mysterious gouts of steam.
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Some of the content, including such instructive passages as “how to put it in” and “how to pull out after ejaculating inside her” – worryingly the guide is intended for adults:
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What sex guide would be complete without in depth explanations of the most basic of positions?
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Those needing a copy can find one here.
The book itself was one of the first of the now highly successful genre of “manga sex guides” – should the adaptation prove successful there seems to be an outside possibility of that other very popular one being adapted as well.
Sankaku Complex
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